Tag Archives: special projects

From the Office of the Treasurer

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

We are delighted to announce that, since our communication on 11 September [GC-34154] a further £36,129 has been contributed to the target of £475,000 set by the National Spiritual Assembly to raise funds for the Residential Training Centre and Temple land. The total now stands at £300,977.

Every contribution, large or small, that has enabled us to reach this remarkable figure is deeply appreciated. In the spirit of universal participation, it is hoped that as many friends as possible – of all ages and from every part of the UK – will be able to make their contribution before the Feast of Mashíyyat, and that together we will pass the goal set for the end of the Bahá’í month.

You may wish to reflect upon these quotations concerning universal participation, and share them with other friends in the coming days:

Every believer can contribute to the Fund. Not all believers can give public talks, not all are called upon to serve on administrative institutions. But all can pray, fight their own spiritual battles, and contribute to the Fund. If every believer will carry out these sacred duties, we shall be astonished at the accession of power which will result to the whole body, and which in its turn will give rise to further growth and the showering of greater blessings on all of us.

The Universal House of Justice, Wellspring of Guidance, pp. 37-38

The universal participation of the believers in every aspect of the Faith – in contributing to the Fund, in teaching, deepening, living the Bahá’í life, administering the affairs of the community, and, above all, in the life of prayer and devotion to God – will endow the Bahá’í community with such strength that it can overcome the forces of spiritual disintegration which are engulfing the non-Bahá’í world, and can become an ocean of oneness that will cover the face of the planet.

Messages of the Universal House of Justice 1963 to 1986, p. 178

A story from one of the recent summer schools illustrates the spiritual nature of contributing sacrificially: 

During the school, after some deep reflection, one of the friends mentioned that they felt moved to contribute but did not feel that they were able to offer much.  After taking all their money from their pocket and counting it, they gave a large portion of it to the Fund Desk.  With absolute joy, this friend commented, “When I leave the school, I know that I will need to catch a bus to make part of my journey home and I will need to purchase my ticket.  I need to keep this amount for myself, but the rest that I have with me should go to the Fund as I know that if I still have that in my pocket when I leave, I will only spend it on something less important.”

Dear friends, just nine days remain to meet the target set by the National Spiritual Assembly.  We earnestly pray that all are able to reflect on their capacity to contribute.  A further update will be shared in a few days’ time with the final announcement to share at your Feast.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith,

How to contribute

By post to:
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom, Finance Office, 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD

Or by bank transfer:
Bank Name: Nat West
Sort Code: 60 04 04
Account No: 18188443
Account Name: NSA – Fund account.
(If using this method, please also send an email to office.treasurer@bahai.org.uk providing your name, details of the amount, and the date of the transfer, and indicate that your contribution is for “The International Collaboration Fund”.) Or online at https://resources.bahai.org.uk/welcome/donations/

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