Tag Archives: training institute

Summer Intensive Training

To all believers in England

Dearly loved Friends,

Please see below a message from the Training institute board for England.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Marco Milone

Summer Intensive Training 2019

The training institute board for England is delighted to announce an opportunity for everyone to enter or progress along the sequence of all Ruhi Book courses 1-9 from 25th July to 4th August at the Roehampton University in London. 

As we know, the joys of studying and serving together in such a spiritually charged environment make for a wonderfully inspiring and uplifting experience… perhaps this year, your whole study circle could attend together and complete the next book in the sequence?  Or possibly, this is the chance for someone in your community to complete the training needed to initiate a new core activity?  The training is open to EVERYONE over 15. 

Registration and further details and costs will be shared shortly. For now, please save these dates in your diary and spread the word!

Other summer activities: 
Recent communications from the National Spiritual Assembly and Council for England have highlighted plans for extended periods of intensive training for some parts of the United Kingdom during the summer. More information about these summer initiatives in England will be made available as soon as possible.

With much love,
Christine Boyett
Training institute board for England 

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