Tag Archives: Wales

Welsh Summer School 2017 update – information

14 July 2017
3 Kalimát 174 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Welsh Summer School Team 2017 for your kind attention.

The Welsh Summer School Team 2017

To all those attending the Welsh Summer School 2017.

The Summer School team send you all much love and are so looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces. We are very happy that the School is full, but we must let you all know that no-one can be added to bookings and you unfortunately, you cannot bring extra people with you who haven’t booked.

You may have contacts who you would love to bring to the school this year. Sadly however, if they haven’t yet booked they will not be able come. We are sorry we have no more space or capacity for anyone else. Please do not take this personally – we have reached full capacity and we simply cannot have any more people joining us at this point for the reasons I will outline below:

We understand that if, for example, you are a family of four in a room of five beds, you might think that the spare bed equals a spare place. This is not the case however. The limit on the amount of places at the school is based on many reasons:

  • the size and availability of course rooms;
  • the amount of adult, children and junior-youth places we can have in each class, we must have a set ratio of DBS checked (with the NSA) people for the children and junior-youth classes and so we can’t keep adding people to these groups;
  • the junior-youth group is already over capacity (and we found it a struggle to find DBS checked facilitators for this age group from the beginning as there are only a few youth in Wales with such experience);
  • the catering team need exact numbers a week beforehand so that they can buy and prepare the food we will all enjoy eating!

In order to create a well-organised, relaxed and inspiring Summer School we have to put a limit on the numbers of people attending yet we are not being heartless. There are only a few weeks until the school begins, and we have so much yet to do including buying, preparing and printing the right amount of materials for all the classes as well as numerous tasks and ideas that will make the School special and enjoyable for the participants and we would so appreciate it if those attending would understand that booking is FULL and no more people can attend.

Please feel free to put your name on the waiting list in case there are any cancellations, by giving your names and contact details to our Registrar, Tracey Roberts-Jones (traceywbsc2017@gmail.com).


  1. Any people who come to the school without booking beforehand will be asked to leave for all the above reasons.
  2. Individual cases of real need can be sent to Tracey for the Team to consider. We can’t promise anything however as we are full to capacity.

With much love,
The Welsh Summer School Team 2017

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