Tag Archives: Wales

Summer schools


  • Summer school in Wales
  • Special guests at schools in England
  • A Widening Embrace
  • Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity

Summer school in Wales

The theme of this year’s summer school in Wales is ‘Building Unity in My Community’.  It runs from the afternoon of Friday 17 August to after lunch on Wednesday 22 August at The Urdd Centre, Llangrannog, West Wales.

Registration is now open to friends from the whole of the United Kingdom and beyond, having been opened earlier for friends in Wales.  There are still some spaces for believers from further afield and their friends.  However, only a few places remain for families with children, as the children’s classes are nearly at maximum capacity.

The school aims to be open and accessible to everyone from all walks of life.  The Bahá’í Council for Wales set a goal for 40 new friends from Wales to attend the school this year.  It is hoped that many of these will be friends and neighbours of Bahá’ís around Wales who are attracted to or engaged in community building activities, as well as believers who have not yet attended summer school.  To register please go to: http://www.bahaievents.org.uk/wp/

Special guests at summer schools in England

The two summer schools in the south and north of England will be blessed with the presence of two special guests.  At the invitation of the National Spiritual Assembly, Dr. Penny Walker and Dr. David Walker will attend the Northern England school for a few days before travelling to the Southern school.

Dr. Penny Walker, who served for 15 years as a counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre, will present two insightful plenary talks at each school, reflecting on the schools’ theme of ‘A Period of Special Potency’, drawing on her rich experience of service and travel.  Dr. David Walker journeyed with Amatu’l-Bahá Ruhíyyih Khánum in 1975-1976 on her Green Light Expedition, through the Amazon of Brazil and the mountain ranges of Peru and Bolivia.  The Hand of the Cause also stayed with the Walkers while the film was being edited, and they will be sharing their stories and reminiscences of this unique experience.

Northern England summer school runs 10-15 August at Queen Ethelburga’s College, York.

The Southern England school runs 12-17 August at Ardingly College, West Sussex.

A Widening Embrace

At each of this year’s five summer schools, a member of the National Spiritual Assembly will be introducing a screening of A Widening Embrace.  The film, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice, “captures experiences and insights from clusters, neighbourhoods, villages, towns, and cities in all parts of the world where peoples are taking charge of their own spiritual, social, and material development through the application of the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh”.

Scotland and Northern Ireland

The theme of the Scottish summer school, which takes place 28 July-1 August is ‘Light to the World’.

The summer school in Northern Ireland will take place from 16-20 August.  Further details will be shared with the friends soon.

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