Tag Archives: Yaran

News Update


  • Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) seminars 2018
  • Design of national House of Worship for Papua New Guinea unveiled
  • Six members of Yaran complete decade-long imprisonment


Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) seminars for undergraduate students 2018

The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) is an agency of the Faith, dedicated to building capacity in individuals, groups and institutions in order that they may contribute to prevalent discourses concerned with the betterment of society. One of the ways it strives to learn to do this is by offering a series of seminars for undergraduate students.

The Institute has been offering these seminars in the UK since 2008, and last year more than 70 participants attended the seminar in August.

The seminars aim to help raise the capacity of youth by providing spaces for them to come together annually over the course of four years to study a set of materials that helps them build an evolving conceptual framework. This, informed by the teachings of the Faith and the accumulated knowledge of humanity in different fields, can guide their thought and action during their formative years as university students.

Moreover, the seminars aim to assist participants in overcoming specific challenges that they might face at university. All too often, for example, Bahá’í youth encounter in their universities a materialistic framework that leaves no room for a dialogue between science and religion. Many young Bahá’ís find their most cherished convictions utterly rejected. Furthermore, it may be difficult for them to express their ideas freely and they may feel that they lack the tools to address the basic assumptions underlying the theories and worldview with which they are being presented. The ISGP seminars aim to help equip students to face these challenges, assume ownership of their education, and enhance their ability to contribute effectively to the advancement of civilization.

The seminars are approximately ten days long, and students would normally attend these seminars once a year for four years in succession. Each group has a facilitator or two to help guide the participants through the materials. Study is intense, but time is allotted for sports or cooperative games, and each seminar includes a field trip too.

We are pleased to announce that the seminar this year will take place from 16-26 August 2018 at Wellington College, Berkshire. The seminar is only open to registered Bahá’ís who are undergraduate students living or studying in the UK or the Republic of Ireland.

This summer there will be four seminars running in parallel:

  • Year 4 seminar open to those who have previously completed Year 3
  • Year 3 seminar open to those who have previously completed Year 2
  • Year 2 seminar open to those who have previously completed Year 1
  • Year 1 seminar for those starting the programme

The first year seminar is primarily designed for youth just about to start university, but applications from older youth will also be accepted so long as they are undergraduates at the time of commencing the seminars and are able to attend for the full duration of the course.

Applications are being processed online. Please visit the following website to register your interest to attend the seminar: https://isgp.wufoo.com/forms/z6tv8u21cecc2f/

The total cost of participating in the seminar has been subsidised by the National Assembly and will this year be £250. While every effort has been made to keep the costs down, participants should not feel unable to apply due to costs. Those who require financial assistance are encouraged to approach their Local Spiritual Assembly in the first instance. If further assistance is required, please contact the ISGP undergraduate UK seminars coordinating team (isgpuk@gmail.com) who will be able to help explore other possibilities for raising the funds necessary to participate.

We hope that as many Bahá’í university students as possible will be able to attend these seminars, which are of such value to participants in shaping a coherent life of service. To this end, please do encourage Bahá’í youth in your community to take advantage of this opportunity. In addition, Local Assemblies may be able to assist with certain practical matters, such as contributing to participants’ costs, if required, or transport to and from the event. These matters should naturally be considered on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any questions or would like further information please contact the UK seminars coordinating team via isgpuk@gmail.com.

Design of national House of Worship for Papua New Guinea unveiled











The House of Worship in Port Moreseby will be one of two national Houses of Worship to be constructed in the coming years, signifying a new milestone for the Bahá’í world community. Read the full story and see pictures, here.















After a decade of unjust imprisonment and harsh treatment in Iranian prisons, Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, 85, and Mr. Vahid Tizfahm, 44, have completed their ten-year sentences. Only one of the seven-member former leadership group known as the Yaran, who were jailed on false and baseless charges, remains in prison. Full stories, here.

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