Tag Archives: audio-visual review

UK Bahá’í News Update


  • Footnote additions to The Kitáb-i-Aqdas: The Most Holy Book
  • Assistance sought with Web-based projects
  • Pre-publication review
  • ‘Irfán Colloquium, 3-6 July 2018
  • Countries around the world design commemorative stamps

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Footnote additions to The Kitáb-i-Aqdas: The Most Holy Book

Following the common implementation of the Badi‘ calendar, the Universal House of Justice has instructed that four explanatory footnotes be added to the Notes section of The Kitab-i-Aqdas: The Most Holy Book. These changes will be incorporated into all future editions of the book. For more information about the new footnotes, see PDF or click here.

Assistance sought with Web-based projects

The National Spiritual Assembly would like to hear from friends who have expertise in web development, especially using WordPress, and Excel. Please contact nsa@bahai.org.uk if you have the skills to assist with a number of ongoing projects.

Pre-publication review

The friends are reminded that any Bahá’í literature, articles or audio-visual items which are to be sold or circulated widely must be submitted for pre‑publication review. This is to safeguard the Faith from misrepresentation and to ensure the dignity and accuracy of presentation. Find out more about the review process for literature, audio visual items and academic works here.

‘Irfán Colloquium, Centre for Bahá’í Studies, Acuto, Italy, 3-6 July 2018

The `Irfán Colloquium is a friendly gathering held in an informal and collegial atmosphere, which provides a unique opportunity for meeting and associating with those interested in Bahá’í studies. On the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh as well as the 150th anniversary of His arrival in the Holy Land, this programme includes presentations related to those historic events. Presenters included Dr. Vahid Rafati, Dr. Moojan Momen and Prof. Moshe Sharon. For further details, visit www.irfancolloquia.org.

Countries around the world design commemorative stamps

In several countries, including Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, Germany, Malaysia, and the Netherlands, one tribute honouring the bicentenary of the Birth of Baha’u’llah has been the release of commemorative postage stamps. Read more, here.

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